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Crystal Salt

Believe Better !

Belief Becomes You...It is all about what we believe about who we are, and our value in the world.   

Where are you on the Thriving Scale?

Transformative Wellness Event in North Carolina: Elevate Your Best Self for $9.99! Join us for an empowering online experienc
Do you feel you are living a Thriving Life?

Discover what you can do to expand your life from Surviving to Thriving!

Who you believe you are, and what you believe you can have in your life is driven by subconcious, many times, limiting beliefs based on perceptioins you created in childhood that can sabotage your life as an adult.

Explore our Books, Services, Classes, Workshops and Thrive~In's to discover how to live your optimal Thriving life!

You can expand the Thriving in your life from a 1-2 on the Thriving Scale to Optimum Wellness at 9-10 by simply changing your beliefs.

Find out how! See our offerings below.

I am so excited that you are here exploring the steps to discover the authentic you, and your authentic gifts!  It took me many, many years to discover me, but it has been so worth it.  As I have been able to re-create the process I utilized on myself after studying mind, body wellness for over 20 years, I am thankful that I am now able to share with you, streamlining the process, so you can start to see and feel the difference in your life within 6 weeks. 

Isn't it time to start living a life of thriving?

Please go to "My Story" page to read about my journey of healing.  

I look forward to seeing you on the other side of your beliefs!

Best Wishes,

Trish Heitz


Patricia Heitz, NBC-HWC Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach,
Author: Daydreams Come True ~ Self Coaching Workbook
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Self Care Services and Books



Discover the life you were meant to live! Contact us today to get started or follow us on social media to stay updated!

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