D.A.R.E Your Beliefs- One on One - ONLINE
6 Weeks- ONLINE
About the Course
Do you know what beliefs are subconsciously limiting you, or worse; sabotaging you.
Discover what buried beliefs are are keeping you from living the life you deserve and desire.
Each week for 6 weeks, we will review the assigned chapter in the Workbook "Daydreams Come True" (included in course) and discuss what answers you provided to the indepth questions that force you to dig deep into your subconscious to find the answers. We then discuss where you may have gotten stuck, or don't understand. We get clarification and discuss tools to integreate your "aha" moment about your belief(s), and move on to the next chapter.
By the end of 6 weeks, you will be absolutely amazed at how different you feel, see the world and most importantly see yourself, your value, and the gifts you bring to the world.
We meet ONLINE weekly at a agreed upon location convenient to both of us.
A Zoom link will be sent prior to the agreed upon date/time.
We meet for 1.5 - 2 Hrs. depending on schedules, for 6 weeks
Your Instructor
Trish Heitz
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